FullStory will capture sessions on iOS 13 - 15.iOS Swift Package Manager: (version tag 1.30.1).Android: classpath 'com.fullstory:gradle-plugin-local:1.30.1'.If you have any questions, reach out to Date: September 13, 2022

Version 1.31.0 of our SDK includes a patch for this behavior, and we recommend updating the SDK in your app at your earliest convenience. This behavior is more likely to have occurred on iOS apps built with React Native. In cases where an unmasked parent element contains a single masked or excluded child element with an Accessibility Label, the child's text content could be visible in the attribute of the parent element. We recently discovered that in rare circumstances, some element selectors could include the text of masked or excluded child elements.iOS: Fixed a rare crash associated with backgrounding an application.iOS: Fixed an issue where taps could sometimes have text from a hidden view.Android: Reduced the priority of our background threads.Android: Fixed a memory leak where we held on to a Window instance too long.Android: Move some operations off of the main thread to improve performance.For more information on capturing SwiftUI applications, see the Getting Started with SwiftUI guide. iOS Swift Package Manager: (version tag 1.31.0).Android: classpath 'com.fullstory:gradle-plugin-local:1.31.0'.Android: Fixed a bug that caused our plugin to get stuck in idle mode for applications that use Window#setCallback in an unanticipated way.FullStory will capture sessions on iOS 14+.FullStory may be included with apps targeting iOS 9+.